Friday 1 July 2005

Burty's live interview on The Chris Barry show about his week living just on Guinness. Recorded July 2005 from 106.8FM Dublin's Country Radio.

Sunday 5 June 2005

The Final Day

Saturday June 5th 2005

As I said in my little teaser from yesterday. I had a buzz about today, but I was incredibly hungry.

I sat around watching the Saw. I never guessed the ending to that! I had three cans of Guinness for the day, but the hunger just wouldn't go. The Guinness didn't go down to great either. No food all week meant that 1 never broke the taste of Guinness. I rang Bally and told him to meet me at the pub near his at 10pm.

As I got ready to go into town, I started to realise that I only had a couple of hours left. I wasn't feeling particularly happy about it either. I started thinking how I was going to miss this challenge. It had been very hard but also much fun. I would be going back to work on Monday after a week off (hence why I took the challenge) and back to normality. All this week I had been counting down the hours and now, looking at the finishing line, I felt like taking a short jog to avoid it.

I met with Bally and we sat down with our Guinness. I explained to him how I felt, but in my job I really couldn't continue this challenge and tonight was the very end. He had a kind of sadness in his eyes, as if he knew. I knew he was going to miss it as well. I think he quite liked being my sup­port. We were soon joined by Cos who decided he wanted to taunt me with a pint of Fosters. We got another pint of Guinness in before last orders.

Bally wished me well as he had to head off, whilst me and Cos went to another bar to meet up with everyone. People began quizzing me, not believing that I had actually made it this long. I soon forgot about my earlier concerns and couldn't wait until midnight. Just one hour to go. I was wondering round with a big grin on my face and by now familiar Guinness in hand. Bally (before he left) had told me I had to get 4 pints of Guinness down within the last hour, a kind of last chal­lenge within a challenge. I had managed 3, with 15 minutes left. A pint every 15mins! One of the highlights of the night for me was saying to the group 'ah sod it, only 15 mins left' and reaching for a pack of opened crisps. At least 4 people jumped up screaming 'NO'. I wasn't actu­ally going to have a crisp, with 15 mins left that would be crazy, but it was funny watching the re­sponse. These people cared almost as much as me.

The Missus insisted she bought the final Guinness. From being dead against this challenge she was now sat there saying to people 'yeah, i can't believe he's done it, I knew he would though'. Typical!

People were asking me what was the first thing I was going to eat or drink. I just wanted a pint of lager. As minute approached we had a 10 second count down in which I was to down the last half of my pint. Midnight struck with much jubilation. I was ecstatic. I reached across for the pint of la­ger that had been sat mocking me for 10 minutes. I couldn't wait for that crisp taste. It tasted of Apple Tango. Now, I am pretty sure lager never tasted like apple tango with an after taste of Guinness. My taste buds had been destroyed. But it still didn't kill my mood. Cos decided to congratulate me by buying me a Sambuca. Easy boy! I haven't ate for a week. As I sat mulling over my pint, Cos decided it would be incredibly funny to put a pound in it. We had gone full circle. I couldn't believe it, my first lager in a week and he threw a pound in it. Down the hatch it went, putting up a fight all the way.

Another pint and shot was bought for me, I declared this would be my last as I really wanted to eat something. I got home, turned on the Radio to listen to the Hatton fight and made myself Oxtail soup on a cheese sandwich. Not exotic, or something you would dream about eating, but I just wanted to test the old stomach. I struggled to finish it all, leaving some soup and not even a half eaten sandwich. I felt so sick. I climbed into bed awaiting the morning, hoping it would be sick free.

Today I made myself a sandwich, which has left me feeling a little bloated and ill, which I pretty much expected. As I went into the fridge to make the sandwich, there were two cans of Guinness left over from the challenge. I looked at them, smiled, and whispered 'I'm sorry, but you'll have to stay in there for another day'.

I hope you have all enjoyed reading this blog as much as I have writing it. A big thanks to The Chaps and B3ta for the links. A huge huge thank you too all who have posted comments, and a big thanks to my good friends Cos, Bally, Mcnulty, Jim and Jimmy for all the sup­port.

  • I didn't lose any extra weight in the last couple of days. The final weight loss was 9lbs.
  • I only had 5 pints of water all week. If t ever did this again I would certainly have more water.
  • Looking back over the week I actually had 30 cans of Guinness and 20 pub pints of Guinness (as a rough count).
  • I found pouring a can of Guinness in an official Guinness glass took 78 seconds (average).

Positives :-

1 )The weight loss

2)You can't drive anywhere WOOHOO

3)A good excuse to go out

4)lt does actually stave off hunger

Negatives :-

1)Visiting the toilet is NOT at all pleasant

2)The hunger pangs, they only come once or twice a day, last two hours, but ifs extreme hunger.

3)You urine resembles Irn Bru

Guinness, please get in touch with me and give me lots of cash and freebies.


Thanks to those who sent in pictures of them drinking Guinness, they will be on this blog in the next couple of days. I will post on this blog over the next couple of days just to let you all know how I am doing.

We are desperate to do new challenges. One idea we have had is to meet as many people as we can next year, who signed the blog and have a pint of Guinness with them. If you are interested then email This isn't set in stone yet so don't feel like you have to send me your address, just email to say you would like to do this, it would only really work if we get around 20+ people who would be interested.

Also, if you have any challenges you think me or my friends should undertake (not just diet chal­lenges, any type of challenge) then email your ideas to If we go ahead with your challenge we will keep you posted.

Again, thank you all, you have made this week a memorable one!

Friday 3 June 2005

Friday’s Report and Saturday Teaser

Friday June 3rd 2005

Well awoke feeling slightly fresher than Thursday morning. Stretched my legs and walked round the house a bit with my pint of milk.

I went to my friends website to check out the voting poll that was started last Friday before the challenge started.

Can Burty survive for a week on Guinness alone?

Of course, he can't get enough craic.


No chance, that's insane!


Who knows?


How I laughed in the face of that one negative minded fool. A cracked open a good old trusty can and began to drink. By midnight tonight, I would only have 24 hours left. BLISS. I was more relaxed today and the hunger didn't seem to surface as much. At 5:30pm I had my Guinness, or afternoon meal and checked

As I began to read 'Guinness Diet' caught my eye. I quickly scrolled down, there was my link to this blog in all it's glory.

» Guinness diet«

Mburt1 has been inspired (if that is the right word) by our recent Guinness-based experiments. Contending that the sinister stout is a 'meal in a glass', he vowed to live on a diet soley consisting of Guinness, water, pint of milk and a vitamin C tablet a day, for a whole week. See how he does with it on his blog. But we wouldn't get too near if we were you... very poorly tummy.

They were right, stay away from the poorly tummy, which has only improved slightly over the past week.

I would like to say hello to all who have visited from B3ta and thanks for the moral support and comments you have been sending this way, much appreciated. If you know of any other sites I am linked to, then please post them in the comments.

Anyway, there is only one way to celebrate making the B3ta newsletter, and that's drink another can of Guinness. This wasn't a meal, this was a drink of celebration. I drank with much excitement and vigour.

I headed off to the Missus to watch a DVD, armed with a print out of all the support I was getting. She now thinks that along with me, all you good good people are slightly mad. Women! In saying that, there has been some great support and kind words from women, this missus was gobs macked (another first). Earlier in the week she had been introducing me to male friends of her telling them about the challenge, ending with the line 'stupid isn't if, to which the reply every time was That's awesome mate, how long you been on it' which also received a hearty hand­shake despite only being on the challenge for 48 hours (at that time).

She pointed out that every male would think this was excellent, but every female would think it was utter madness. So thanks female fans, 1 nil to Burty.

I also discovered that a can of Guinness opens with a tut and a sigh whilst opened in front of the Missus.

I headed towards my friends house, Jim. We were joined by Mcnulty. We sat and drank bottles of Guinness, which was a novelty for me this week, I was only used to cans and bottles. Midnight approached and we all cracked open bottles and cans in a Guinness frenzy. We celebrated with much gusto the arrival of 144 hours of the Guinness challenge. This was it, the finish line was in site, only 24 hours left.

Total intake for the Day: 7 pints

Weight loss for the day: 2lbs

Weight at start: 14st12lbs

Weight as of Friday: 14st 3lbs


Well it is Saturday morning, I have my milk and vitamin c and I am looking forward to tonight. I can honestly say I have never felt hunger like this. I really think it's psychological. Because I only have 10 hours left I think my brain wants to make this challenge a little more difficult in it's final hours. I cannot give up now as tonight I have a lot of friends joining me at a bar for my final pint of Guin­ness at midnight. After there will be much celebration. I have more cans of Guinness in the fridge than is really required, just in case of a extreme hunger emergency.

So if where ever you are, whoever you are, if you out on the town tonight, paint it black and join me in a pint of Guinness.

If you do, email any pics to and I will put them on the blog next week.

Check back tomorrow for the full report for Saturday.

Thursday 2 June 2005

Thursday’s Report

Thursday June 2nd 2005

Well not much to report today. I started the morning with a vitamin c tablet and pint of milk.

I was feeling utterly shattered. I wondered towards the scales. No weight loss or gain for the day. 1 had a good 10 hours sleep yet I still felt like a zombie. I couldn't even muster the energy to go to the fridge and get a can of Guinness. I just lay there on the sofa, not moving.

I felt so hungry, but I wasn't going to move.

I have learnt from watching TV adverts that 6 out of 11 (on average) are food commercials. That's 54.5% or 55% if you like rounding up. Out of those, on average there are two fast food commer­cials, that's 18% of adverts during one ad break are fast food commercials. Or 33% of food ad­verts are fast food related. The main three being McDonalds, KFC and Pizza Hut.

I then went to the fridge!

By 8pm I had only had two cans of Guinness. I read the paper and there was an advert for a new car. The advert said 'Go on treat yourself with a picture of a gear stick made out of chocolate and ice cream. I put the paper down and returned to TV. A lovely advert for a new pizza at Pizza Hut. Every where I was turning there was food. My brother returns home to have the traditional English dish of bangers and mash. I felt weak.

I couldn't even be bothered to drink water. I couldn't stomach another Guinness, it just tasted too much. I was gonna sit out the hunger.

At 10pm I caved in and had another can, I drank it quickly. I was feeling tired and I just wanted to sleep the hunger off. I finished my can, looked at the clock, it was 11 pm. In 1 hours time I will have been on this challenge for 120 hours. I know I am going to make it, I only have 48 hours left. I have already passed everybody's expectations. Most people only thought I would last 48 hours, 72 at the very most. But I was crawling towards the finish line.

I started to think what foods I would eat after midnight Saturday. Even a tuna pasta salad sounded divine. Then I began to worry. How small is my stomach now? Will i be able to eat with­out feeling full and wanting to be sick. Was I going to have to eat soup and bread for a couple of days til I got used to having food inside me?

Even soup, for gods sake, sounded like heaven, but I really wanted a KFC, or a nice cut of steak, even a sandwich. Something like cheese and mayo, or even ham and mustard. So many foods floating around my head. Every single one of them sounded gorgeous. Even foods I had ate all my life, I had forgotten the taste. A nice pork pie, the memory? Tasted of Guinness. A mars bar? Guinness with a touch of caramel. Cottage Cheese? Creamy Guinness.

I slowly drifted to sleep missing out on the 120 hour celebration.

I awoke this morning excited, a little hungry, but more excited. At midnight tonight, I will have 24 hours left. I felt such a surge of energy. But Fridays report, you will have to wait til tomorrow.

Anyway, despite no weight loss for the day, apparently the change in my shape has been some what dramatic according to others, in such a short space of time. Thankfully they all say I look well. People have even suggested I look healthier than before the Guinness diet.

As always, post your comments and email this blog to the world. The Atkins diet, PAH. Burtys Guinness Diet is the way forward!

Wednesday 1 June 2005

Wednesday’s Report

Wednedsday June 1st 2005

The usual start to the morning, you know the score by now!

Feeling much better today as I knew that midnight tonight would spell 96 hours, which would indi­cate passing the half way mark. I would only have 72 hours left. God, that still seems a long time!

I sat by the computer with a Guinness and began typing my blog. As I began I was overwhelmed by the smell of Guinness. Was it me, or had my senses adapted so much that it could smell the pint so strongly? I finished my dinner (2 cans of Guinness) and proceeded to the scales for a weigh in. I had lost another 2lbs. I had lost half a stone (7lbs) in weight since Sunday morning.

Now for those who were viewing the blog from it's early stages saw that it was a little bland, but I was having trouble with pictures. So I invited a good friend of mine, Bally, round for some tea. We both had two cans of Guinness each as we put up the beautiful pictures.

We then set off into town for a few moral boosting pints with Cos, Mcnulty and the Missus (who has began reading the blog, she loves it oh so much, especially the name 'missus'). Anyway, we were told that the upstairs bar wasn't serving Guinness. Sudden panic. Bally and Mcnulty began telling the bar maid why it was essential that 'this man' (pointing at me) had Guinness. I was slightly embarrassed as she looked at me like a deranged fool. She must have understood the importance as she reassured us that the downstairs bar would be selling the mighty black and white pint. Two pints later we approached midnight. We celebrated together with a pint of Guin­ness to mark 96 hours.

As we all decided to go home, Bally and Mcnulty decided to go and get a chicken, pepperoni and bacon burger. It smelt insanely gorgeous. I needed to go home.

I have put a few pictures of the night for you to enjoy.

Tuesday 31 May 2005

Tuesday’s Report

Tuesday May 31st 2005

I woke up at my friends house feeling a gurgling sensation in my stomach, of milk. I had to get home and quick. Something didn't feel right.

I got home and had my Vitamin C tablet. What was my stomach trying to tell me? It didn't feel hungry, it was just swirling. I'll play it safe I thought, head for the toilet, just in case.

MY GOD. Thank Christ I went to the toilet. I suspected this MAY happen, but I more suspected I would be constipated due to all the Iron.

I didn't take any pictures, I thought I would spare you that. However, if you are interested to see what it looked like, simply crack open two cans of Guinness and pour them down the toilet. That is EXACTLY what it looked like. Complete with frothy head. It was disturbing. Have I damaged my insides forever?

I needed re-assurance, I stepped onto the scales. WOOHOO. I had lost 3lbs. In total I had lost 5lbs in just 48 hours. I had gone from 14st 12lbs on Sunday morning, to 14st 7lbs on Tuesday morning. I decided to continue.

I cracked open Guinness number one for the day. With the first pint gone, I went back to the toilet again. I was praying it wasn't going to be like this for the rest of the week. Another disturbing im­age, my urine resembled Irn Bru. It was a bright orange. What was I doing to myself? I wasn't feeling hungry at all, I still craved food on and off, but I didn't really fancy drinking a Guin­ness either At 5pm I got the hunger pangs yet again. This was my lowest point, everyone pre­dicted today would be the day I fell. I wasn't going to fall so easily and so early, f said to myself 'get to midnight tonight, and it's 72 hours, your getting there man, getting nearer to the half way mark, as soon as you get half way, your gonna make it'.

I opened a can to rid that hunger. I was on a mission. Nothing was going to stop me now. Plus the England vs Columbia match was on TV. I sank just two cans of Guinness. I started wondering why my urine was orange, then I realised, I was allowed as much water as I could drink or wanted, I had only had 3 pints of water since Sunday.

A new plan. For every two pints of Guinness I would follow with 1 -2 pints of water. Clean my sys­tem out.

I finished watching the match with some Guinness supper Only 3 pints for the day, but my hunger was met. The clock struck midnight, 72 hours. I felt proud. Nobody around to mark the occasion with a cheer or a photograph, but I fell asleep with a smile on my face.

The Science Part:

Weight on Sunday: 14st 12lbs

Weight on Tuesday: 14st 7lbs

Weight Loss: 5lbs

Monday 30 May 2005

Bank Holiday Monday

Monday May 30th 2005

An early start to the day and the typical pint of milk and Vitamin C.

Today was West Ham vs Preston so I decided to hold back on breakfast and save it for later in the day whilst i watched the match. So i basically sat around watching the match whilst having two Guinness. Around 5pm I got the hunger pangs, pretty badly as well, I could feel my stomach gur­gling. Nothing for it, i had to have another can of Guinness. I made this one last a good hour. I was concerned, I really didn't want to give up, after all this is for medical, scientific and pub research. For all the people in pubs would know me as the man that couldn't even make it 48 hours. I need to stay strong! I stayed strong and the hunger subsided.

Now anyone who has been on a diet before (I more logical and sensible diet that is) will know, after several days you can actually feel your stomach shrink as your eating less food. It is a strange sen­sation in your stomach, a bit like hunger pains but without the hunger. I began to feel these. Is that normal after 35 hours?!? For me this was the turning point, surely now I will feel less hunger. For an extra moral boost I headed towards the scales. If I put weight on, I could see myself crumbling. 2 Ib loss in 24 hours? This Guinness diet is excellent.

Now with extra gusto and a proud smile, I declared to my friend Cos, "Yes, YES I WILL join you on a night out". He asked what beer I would like as we would sit at his and have a few drinks before painting the town black. I kindly reminded him that I was on the Guinness diet. So I had 3 cans of Guinness at his house, taking my total for the day to 6.

We headed off into town where I purchased my pint of the black stuff and sat talking to my mates Cos and Mcnulty, Mcnultys girlfriend Emma and my missus. My missus, what can I say, she isn't too impressed with this Guinness for a week, despite buying me my 24 hour pint the night before. So to show how much she was against the whole idea, she came back from the bar with a nice fresh pint. At midnight we celebrated a landmark 48 hours. 8 pints the total for the day.

But I had the feeling I would regret it. I had been foolish, I had drank them all during the afternoon and evening, I hadn't spaced out my day. Still, we went to another bar and I enjoyed my 9th pint, even with the knowledge that this was too much. I was treating this experiment to light hearted. I was sticking to the guidelines....

'10 pints should stave off hunger, but just drink to stave off hunger. If two pints do the trick, just have two, try not to have more than ten'.

Was I going to be my own downfall? I needed to be strict with my intake! I need to space out my day. God help me for what the morning will bring me. I had the feeling me and the toilet seat were going to produce a special relationship.

The Science Part. I can tell you my faecal matter was resembling a dark grey colour. I had actu­ally lost 2lbs over the 24 hours. From 14st 12lbs i had gone down to 14st 10lbs. This excited me, but I kept in mind that sometimes body weight can fluctuate.

Whilst writing this Blog today, by pure chance, on the radio came The Doves - Black and White town, hmmmm, interesting.